Frequently Asked Questions

It let's your viewers support you in a new way, the fees are lower than PayPal and chargebacks are not possible!
We do not take any fees for any of the donations done though Coinbase on our platform. The networks may have their own fees for transfer.

Coinbase offers a great API that allows us to utilize their service to make it easy and convenient for our users. Additional options for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum are coming. So if you're not a huge fan of Coinbase, stay tuned for more options soon!
If a user sends coins from a Coinbase to your Coinbase account, you may receive an email from Coinbase with additional details about the sender. None of the receivers details like name, or email were given but Coinbase does use profile nicknames.

If you are a user and want to remain anonymous, you should never send coins directly from Coinbase to Coinbase. If that is not an option you can always change the nickname it uses under the settings panel on your Coinbase account!
As Coinbase adds coins, we add them as well. We're looking for options outside of Coinbase as well. However, alt-coin support is part of 1UpCoin Pro. Check out our full supported list!
We've just released our 1UpCoin Pro feature in June of 2021, and we plan to offer additional support for those users looking to manage their own coins!
Nope! The level of access we get from Coinbase, only allows us to create a new unique address on your account.
The value in USD displayed through StreamLabs\StreamElements is calculated at the time of donation. The value may change by the time you view it in your wallet, even though the amount of coin donated is the same.
We are hoping you check out our Pro service to help cover costs. We do make some money from referrals and donations as well.

Warp World has received around $5,253* in various donations from 1UpCoin users.
1UpCoin Pro is a paid service we provide to get you access to alt coins, such as XRP, DOGE and more.
This will also give you prority listing on our active users page!
We are looking to add more features in the future, so please share suggestions!
We implemented this service is June 2021 and you can see our reasoning here.
If you have any additional questions you can email us at [email protected].